
This is my official personal website. Here you'll find more about me professionally, academically, and personally.

I am a forensic neuropsychology professional with extensive education in the field, clinical experience, and research experience. I completed my predoctoral studies in psychology and neuroscience at the University of Colorado and the University of Pennsylvania. I then earned my third master’s degree in forensic psychology at Arizona State University. Additionally, I completed further graduate specialization in neuropsychology at Harvard University.

Currently, I am finishing my fourth master’s degree in psychology at Arizona State University, growing my company, and gaining clinical experience in psychiatric care at the University of Colorado Hospital. I’m becoming a clinical, forensic, prescribing, medical neuropsychologist.

In my free time, I enjoy hiking, mountain climbing, physical fitness, reading, and snowboarding. See you at the top!

When a psych patient is loud with a nurse in a patient room #psych #psychology
Unbelievable things detainees have said to me in #forensicpsychology #psychology
Just another degree 🤷🏼‍♂️ #graduation
Why “normal” people do terrible things - Part 2 #neworleans #psychology
Why “normal” people do terrible things #neworleans #forensicpsychology
What would’ve happened to #Trump if turned his head slightly